

Inter-China company hopes to has the opportunity to satisfy our customers with our excellent quality and best services.

A good systemic mixture for downy mildew.

Propamocarb is a locally systemic, low-toxic fungicide with specific effects on the Oomycetes. It inhibits the biosynthesis of phospholipids and fatty acids in the cell membrane of pathogens, thereby inhibiting mycelial growth, sporangia formation and germination. Due to its different mechanism from other types of fungicides, there is no cross-resistance. After application, the pesticide can be quickly absorbed by the leaves and dispersed and the protective effect can be functioned within half an hour. At the same time, propamocarb has a significant growth-promoting effect on the roots, stems and leaves of crops.
Fosetyl acts as a foliar fungicide with protective and curative action. It has a contact and local systemic activity and also inhibits sporulation. It can effectively control many diseases caused by Phytophthora, Pythium, Peronospora in horticultural crops such as grapes, strawberries and onions.
The mixture of Propamocarb and Fosetyl can significantly improve the efficacy and reduce the resistance caused by single formulation use. Inter-China spent a lot of energy on this formulation development and field efficacy. We entrusted Pesticide Research Institute and Academy of Agricultural Sciences to conduct the field trials on cucumber and grape downy mildew, respectively. It can be seen that our product can increase the control efficiency the downy mildew on cucumber, especially on grape compared to single Propamocarb and the mixture from the other company’s.
Table 1: Field trial results of three products against downy mildew in cucumber

Test pesticide Dosage
7 days after first application 7 days after second application 7 days after third application
Disease index Control efficiency(%) Disease index Control efficiency(%) Disease index Control efficiency(%)
Propamocarb 530g/L+Fosetyl 310g/L SL(Inter-China ) 1.5 0.93 53.85 9.57 59.72 13.60 61.80
2.5 0.85 61.69  7.81 65.49 11.62 70.66
Propamocarb hydrochloride 722g/L SL
(other company)
1.5 1.00 50.00  10.27 54.64 16.06 51.53
2.5 0.93 53.85  8.77 61.28 13.25 60.84
Propamocarb 530g/L+Fosetyl 310g/L SL
(other company)
1.5 1.00 50.00  9.08 57.88 14.42 57.40
2.5 0.85 57.69  8.25 63.56 12.47 63.15
Blank control Water 2.01 - 22.64 - 33.84 -

It can be observed that our product has better efficiency control than other two products, espcially on the 7 days after third application.
Propamocarb 530+Fosetyl 310g/L SL
(Inter-China product)
Propamocarb hydrochloride 722g/L SL
(other company)
Propamocarb 530+Fosetyl 310g/L SL
(other company)
Fig.1: Comparison of three products against downy mildew in cucumber after 3rd application.

Table 2: Field trial results of two products against downy mildew in grape

Test pesticide Dosage
7 days after second application
Disease index Control efficiency(%)
Propamocarb 530g/L+Fosetyl 310g/L SL(Inter-China ) 1.5 18.86 61.86
2.5 5.27 89.59
Propamocarb 530g/L+Fosetyl 310g/L SL (other company) 1.5 32.22 36.28
2.5 19.51 61.11
Blank control Water 49.46 -
Propamocarb 530+Fosetyl 310g/L SL
(Inter-China product)
Propamocarb 530+Fosetyl 310g/L SL
(other company)

Fig.2: Comparison of Propamocarb 530g/L+Fosetyl 310g/L SL against downy mildew in grape.
It can be concluded that the control efficiency of Inter-China product can reach 89.59% at the dosage of 2.5L/ha, which is greatly higher than that from the
Now we have already got registration of Propamocarb 530g/L+Fosetyl 310g/L SL in central American countries like Panama and Nicaragua. Considering this product is widely used in Andean Community countries(Fig.3), we will enter more countries like Peru, Colombia and Bolivia., etc.

Fig.3: The top 16 AIs represent half of all fungicide applications (data from Agropages) How to use the product
Crop Target Application Time Dosage rate Method
Chili Phytophthora After transplanting 2.0 – 2.5 L/ha Root-irrigation
Cucumber Downy mildew
(Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Plasmopara viticola)
Before or at the early stage of the disease 1.5 – 2.5 L/ha Spray
Grape Downy mildew
(Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Plasmopara viticola)
Before or at the early stage of the disease 1.5 – 2.5 L/ha Spray
Lettuce Downy Midlew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Plasmopara viticola) Before or at the early stage of the disease 1.5 – 2.5 L/ha Spray
Tomato (greenhouse) Damping(Pythium spp.) After transplanting 4 ml / m2 Root-irrigation
Tobacco Damping(Pythium spp.) After transplanting 4 ml / m2 Root-irrigation
Cucumber (greenhouse) Damping(Pythium spp.) After transplanting 4 ml / m2 Root-irrigation

1. When preparing, dilute the recommended dosage with a small amount of water in a clean container, and then transfer it all to the sprayer, and then add enough water and mix it thoroughly.
2. Do not mix with alkaline pesticides.
3. Apply three times at most for every crop cycle.
For more information about our products, please follow the company website or contact us directly.
Inter-China website: http://www.icagrotech.com
Contact: sales@deanpestcontrol.com